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Time Management

Why Worry About Time and Its Management?

Why We Juggle Time Poorly

If you feel as though you are always having to juggle time to do what is expected of you, then learning better time management can help you master time instead of time mastering you!

As an Expert Level Time Management Coach, and someone who has manage organizations of different sizes, I have learned a great deal about how we view this thing called time.

In Ecclesiastes 3 and Chapters 1-22, there is an oft quoted scripture about time.  I reference it here, not as a advocate of any doctrine, but because it tells us that the problem of time has been discussed for a very long time and this particular scripture, gives us a perspective on time and how priorities in life often determine how we use time.

Time as a unique phenomenological structure created by the human mind’s ability to segment reality into distinct quantifiable units is not found outside of humans. As such, the mind as difficulty releasing its focus away from timed events and simply entering into a state of mind-less consciousness that feels as though boundaries have vanished.

This sensation or lack of time experience is extremely difficult to maintain for any length of time. The natural response is an experience of becoming disoriented and experiencing anxiety.

Perhaps, underlying this anxiety is another unique aspect of being human that is found inside our unique brains. The neurological structure of the brain and the mind that is contained within it, can only vicariously experience death through the witnessing of anthers’ death.

From this witnessing of the “end of another’s time”, we gain the concepts of beginning and end, past and future, as well as start and finish. Those concepts are entrenched in all languages of the world.

Time, as reflected in a watch or clock is observed to exist externally and visually, However, physicists have argued that time has no reality to it!

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