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Sharing the Near Death and Out of Body Experiences

Here at Sawayer Logistics, we like to introduce topics that are unique.

NDE’s or Near Death Experiences and OBO or Out of Body experiences represent two such topics.

NDEs and OBOs are experienced by millions of people across the world now and have been well documented in the past.

One of the major issues for those who experience a Near Death event is the use of language to directly describe the event to themselves and to others.

Unfortunately, most world languages are unable to capture what actually happens in the NDE. Adjective categories appear to offer only approximate descriptions at best.

While the NDE is difficult to describe using language, there are other ways to “grasp” the flavor of such a mysterious experience, besides the use of spoken languages.

Here are a few methods that are sometimes useful for expressing the NDE experience.

The following methods can help you express things for which you don’t have words or simply don’t care to use language because it is too inaccurate to reflect your inner experience of the NDE or the OBO.

Here We Go –

Use your voice to either make sounds that reflect your inner experience. This can be a laugh, a grunt, a scream humming sounds, singing, or playing music.

Be creative in how you use your voice to reflect your experience without using your language.

Use art in any form to draw or paint the experience to show form and color.

Keep changing the artwork as you get closer to the memory of the experience.

Add colors, size, dimensions, and the spacial relationships between things in the page.

You can draw doors, waterfalls, nature, the stars etc. or even images of floating if you had an OBE (Out of Body Experience)

Use individual or group physical activities. If you like to dance, then dance it out either alone or with a trusted partner. If you like physical contact that wrestle without words with a willing friend. If you love running or walking then walk up to and then thru the remembered experience.

Use new photography and/or existing  photographs that reflect what you felt or feel. Go out and take photos of things that resemble the feelings you can’t put into words.

These are just a few examples of how you can express those things you experience that are presently “beyond language.”

If you have had several NDE’s or OBO’, experiment with doing these activities for each one.

These activities could provide you with insights and provide you a way to understand and end express your experience with others without tripping over their own language prejudices.

The attached video addresses the conflicts that arise within an individual who experienced an NDE and had to find a way to deal with it personally and socially. In this particular video that individual is a German Catholic Priest.

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