Category: Coaching Services

Talking about Near Death Experiences to Others

There are some experiences that are still mysterious and difficult to describe in language.

The experience of clinically dying and then being brought back to life sometimes bestows an individual with an experience of being transported to unexplainable places in other time dimensions. These experiences are labeled as Near-Death Experiences or NDEs.

The Out of Body Experience, labeled OBOs, occur following physical trauma and unconsciousness, have allowed some individuals to see themselves from out of and above their bodies, while simultaneously witnessing, in apparent real time, those very lige saving efforts that eventually bring them back to life.

Such people have gained credibility because they are able to report seeing people and experiencing events that occurred as they were being resuscitated.

Unlike those individuals experiencing NDEs, language remains intact for explaining these experiences.

Science has been documenting and quantifying both of these mysterious experiences for decades, in order to better provide some sense of understanding to the unexplainable.

Because such experiences remain mysterious, individual and beyond understanding it has been difficult for those experiencing an NDE or OBO to gain acceptance from their family, friends or society at large.9

Thankfully, this resistance to being acknowledged is changing.

Our task here at Sawayer Logistics is to offer resources that bring such mysterious experiences into the public eye as valid phenomenon

Sharing the Near Death and Out of Body Experiences

Here at Sawayer Logistics, we like to introduce topics that are unique.

NDE’s or Near Death Experiences and OBO or Out of Body experiences represent two such topics.

NDEs and OBOs are experienced by millions of people across the world now and have been well documented in the past.

One of the major issues for those who experience a Near Death event is the use of language to directly describe the event to themselves and to others.

Unfortunately, most world languages are unable to capture what actually happens in the NDE. Adjective categories appear to offer only approximate descriptions at best.

While the NDE is difficult to describe using language, there are other ways to “grasp” the flavor of such a mysterious experience, besides the use of spoken languages.

Here are a few methods that are sometimes useful for expressing the NDE experience.

The following methods can help you express things for which you don’t have words or simply don’t care to use language because it is too inaccurate to reflect your inner experience of the NDE or the OBO.

Here We Go –

Use your voice to either make sounds that reflect your inner experience. This can be a laugh, a grunt, a scream humming sounds, singing, or playing music.

Be creative in how you use your voice to reflect your experience without using your language.

Use art in any form to draw or paint the experience to show form and color.

Keep changing the artwork as you get closer to the memory of the experience.

Add colors, size, dimensions, and the spacial relationships between things in the page.

You can draw doors, waterfalls, nature, the stars etc. or even images of floating if you had an OBE (Out of Body Experience)

Use individual or group physical activities. If you like to dance, then dance it out either alone or with a trusted partner. If you like physical contact that wrestle without words with a willing friend. If you love running or walking then walk up to and then thru the remembered experience.

Use new photography and/or existing  photographs that reflect what you felt or feel. Go out and take photos of things that resemble the feelings you can’t put into words.

These are just a few examples of how you can express those things you experience that are presently “beyond language.”

If you have had several NDE’s or OBO’, experiment with doing these activities for each one.

These activities could provide you with insights and provide you a way to understand and end express your experience with others without tripping over their own language prejudices.

The attached video addresses the conflicts that arise within an individual who experienced an NDE and had to find a way to deal with it personally and socially. In this particular video that individual is a German Catholic Priest.

The Courage To Change Your Future

The Important Difference Between The Given and The Chosen

We are all “given” either a good start to life or a bad start to life as children. We are not in control!

What we can later “choose” as independent adults is actually a learned skill.

Given time, support, and faith along with some well timed opportunities to develop choosing “our way to live” is very possible!

Most of all it takes another skill..that starts out like a small plant and grows into a solid taller tree planted in the good soil of a faith filled heart of COURAGE!

Failing is Part of Succeeding

Growing your courage requires a willingness to fail and continuously move forward over and over.

Success is never guaranteed in any challenges we face, so we must focus on the effort we make and not whether success is actually achieved…. today.

Making A Legacy

Life is about fighting the good fight for what is good and worthwhile. Your good fights and battles can be won by others after you are gone. You can make it your legacy!

Others who witnessee your efforts in your Life’s Arena for good and worth while goals can carry on and model your courage in their own lives.

Paying It Forward

The people you affect positively by your time in the arena, can then pay that positivity forward to those who in turn watch them do battle for the same worthy goals you began to fight for in the arena of your own life.

This is the power we find today and everyday in all the grassroots movements that have changed cultures and societies.

Couples In Conflict

The Complaint Department

In my Texas counseling practice and in my Nationwide Expert coaching practice, the couples I see range in age from 22 to 72 years of age, they are from across all races, across all gender expressions and all faiths.

Some of the women complain about their partners’ poor communication styles, lack of respect, and willingness to share their hearts privately and publicly.

A good number of the men complain that there is very little sex. After that they complain of too little emotional connection, too many demands and too much jealousy.

Why Couples Seek Counseling

Couples come to me because they are either still hopeful that they can stay together and be happy or because they are already happy and want to get even happier!!!

Sometimes, I have to be the bearer of unwelcome thought and suggestions.

The vast majority of partners don’t like to see themselves as being the problem,

As a rule, nobody wants to be the first one to risk change.

There are two challenges couples have.

The FIRST is to be honest about where they are.

The SECOND is to be realistic about the expectations they have of their partners.

How do we do this – Together or Separately?

Working with one person in individual coaching or counseling requires a commitment of time, money and a willingness to keep growing as a person

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Effective Couples Communication

Good communications in your relationships at work, at play or in your couples life, makes the difference between success and failure!

At Sawayer Logistics we’ll help you to understand your own communication style and those of your workmates, playmates and your intimate partners.

We take a coaching or growth perspective as opposed to a psycho-therapeutic approach because or goal is your growth as individuals and couples. We don’t focus on history, fault, blame or negativity.

Our goal is improved communication and thereby improved relationships!

Interpersonal conflicts don’t tend to get better on their own.

Without guided improvement to your communication skills, prolonged communication difficulties can lead to a host of unwanted and unnecessary problems.

Long lasting communication problems can lead to misunderstandings, tensions, physical distancing, increased conflicts, personal stress, can sometimes bring an end to the relationships you need and value!

In our coaching class, you will actually practice in real time, communicating with your partner on video on critical relationship topics, and then process the interaction.

Can poor communication skills be changed to good communications?

Yes, you can go from having severe problems in your communicating to experience effective communicating. Why? Because poor communication habits can be unlearned and replaced with better ones, just like many other skills

Since each person brings their own learned style of communication into the relationship, you have twice the confusion.

For example, in a couple, the ability to effectively communicate affects everything from money management to the frequency of intimate encounters and everything in between.

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Time Management

Why Worry About Time and Its Management?

Why We Juggle Time Poorly

If you feel as though you are always having to juggle time to do what is expected of you, then learning better time management can help you master time instead of time mastering you!

As an Expert Level Time Management Coach, and someone who has manage organizations of different sizes, I have learned a great deal about how we view this thing called time.

In Ecclesiastes 3 and Chapters 1-22, there is an oft quoted scripture about time.  I reference it here, not as a advocate of any doctrine, but because it tells us that the problem of time has been discussed for a very long time and this particular scripture, gives us a perspective on time and how priorities in life often determine how we use time.

Time as a unique phenomenological structure created by the human mind’s ability to segment reality into distinct quantifiable units is not found outside of humans. As such, the mind as difficulty releasing its focus away from timed events and simply entering into a state of mind-less consciousness that feels as though boundaries have vanished.

This sensation or lack of time experience is extremely difficult to maintain for any length of time. The natural response is an experience of becoming disoriented and experiencing anxiety.

Perhaps, underlying this anxiety is another unique aspect of being human that is found inside our unique brains. The neurological structure of the brain and the mind that is contained within it, can only vicariously experience death through the witnessing of anthers’ death.

From this witnessing of the “end of another’s time”, we gain the concepts of beginning and end, past and future, as well as start and finish. Those concepts are entrenched in all languages of the world.

Time, as reflected in a watch or clock is observed to exist externally and visually, However, physicists have argued that time has no reality to it!

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Post Divorce Adjustment

Divorce occurs in approximately 50% of formal marital unions.

Sometimes it happens in the early years of marriage and sometimes it happens after decades. In either case, your pain and confusion from such loss can be devastating.

Legal process, involving adversarial attorneys, depositions, filing, witnesses, testimony, and attorney’s fees can leave you traumatized and usually financially busted.


It’s common to go over the experience repeatedly in your head, long after the divorce is FINAL legally.

Irrespective if you initiated it or your former spouse did. explaining what happened to children, relatives, and co-workers is difficult to say the least.

Divorce can make you feel isolated and rejected while it is occurring and long after it is over. This can lead to difficulties in your daily functioning for quite some time and often involves unexplained anxiety and depression, and even occasional suicidal thoughts, which drains you emotionally and spiritually.

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two white throw pillows on top of grey sofa

Expert Life Coaching or Professional Counseling?

I am often asked what the difference is between seeing a counselor and seeing a life coach. It’s a great questions and the answer is pretty straight forward. Here at Sawayer Logistics, we provide both counseling services and coaching services.

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Is Life Coaching For You ?

In a previous post titled “How do life coaching and counseling differ”, I contrasted the two modalities of services that we provide here at Sawayer Logistics (

In this post, I want to be a little more focused on what life coaching offers specifically. I have attached a link below for further reading if you are interested.

So Life Coaching or Personal Coaching is a pretty broad term and is often used in several specialized areas such as nutritional coaching, fitness coaching, writing coaching, financial coaching, parent coaching, etc.

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