Couples Counseling or Couples Coaching
Often times, couples are interested in getting some outside counseling or coaching when they are unable to solve the problems that life is presenting for them in the moment.
If WE as a couple go for coaching or counseling, many questions will get asked about what it means to go for outside help.
Does going for coaching or counseling as a couple mean we have somehow failed?
Individuals who are coupled up may have many questions about either couples coaching or counseling.
They may ask about the differences between counseling and coaching. Coaching is a term that for many people does not conjur up images of being mentally ill as counseling does for some people.
There are questions about how exactly coaching differs from exactily?
What about questions of how often we will have to go and for how long?
And of course the money question of how expensive is it and can we afford it?
Is remote video counseling or coaching over the internet secure?
Is video counseling or coaching as effective as face to face counseling or coaching?
Let me answer some of the questions with a simple list
- Internet Coaching and/or Counseling works just as well as face to face counseling does.
- Counseling is past oriented and deals with many historical couples problems in an attempt to deal with current problems.
- Coaching is future oriented and deals mainly with visioning positive and measurable couples goals. It is very HOPE oriented
- Being willing ask for help is a sign of maturity and growth, not a sign of failure and certainly not a sign of mental illness.
- Making changes to your lives together is challenging and will require a committment to several months of work, but it is a work of love.
- You will know when you have improved as a couple and are ready to try again on your own to re-experience the connection you yearn for.
- Its natural to have feelings of embarassment or shame when you open up your relationship to a counselor or a coach. In the beginning that is perfectly OK and normal. Once you begin, you will wonder why you had those feelings at all.
- Your partner may really love the fact that you have made changes as a partner, as result of going through couples coaching or counseling.
- The journey on your counseling path, is the best journey you will ever take!
Here is a link that further explains how couples coaching and couples counseling differ and where they share common ground!
Don’t forget to schedule an appointment on We are ready to help!