Tag: TwoGetherInTexas

Pre-Marital Counseling

Pre-Commitment counseling is an opportunity to strengthen your relationship as a couple seeking to grow your relationship skills to insure a happy life together, now and in the future!

We have partnered with the Texas Health and Human Services twogetherintexas Program that encourages getting knowledgeable about skills needed by couples, old or new, both pre-marital and pre-commitment counseling.


For those who have the traditional marriage goal, completion of the program through Sawayer Logistics can entitle them to a sizable discount on their marriage license! 

The cost of Pre-Commitment counseling is an investment now that yields a great return in your future.  Participating in the twogetherintexas Program will help you establish common ground and good communication.

What will you learn?  Here is a summary of a few of the topics we will cover from both the TwoTogtherTexas program and from Sawayer Logisitics

  • What kinds of things build commitment to each other?
  • How do you view living together or having physical intimacy before marriage? 
  • What did you learn about marriage in your family of origin or your extended family? 
  • Do you have any role models for relationships?
  • What conflicts of beliefs and values do you have as individuals and as a couple?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses individually and as a couple?
  • How do you experience intimacy in your relationship? 
  • What financial habits do you have as an individual that will be hard to give up in a couple relationship?
  • What expectations do your parents or significant other relatives have of your future as a couple?
  • Children: Do you want them?  Do you both want them?  How will they reshape your relationship & family?
  • Racial, Sexual or Cultural Differences: What are they?
  • Are there conflicts in religious beliefs that need to be resolved?
  • Is there any history of substance use that could complicate your future longevity as a couple?

Prior to starting the classes, each participant must independently complete the pre-commitment assessment prior to the first session which gives your coach the necessary information about your backgrounds and addresses such things as strengths, weaknesses, personal relationship history, values and beliefs regarding long term commitment to mention just a few topics.

Because you’re making a commitment to each other’s future, we assign outside reading and writing tasks that you complete and bring to your next session. 

We believe in that old song, “Breaking Up Is Hard To Do”, so you might want to learn the words as a motivator!!!

We take helping you build a secure future together very seriously at Sawayer Logistics!!!

Click on this  https://live.vcita.com/site/y55xiudxuyugs7f0  link for information on making appointments and fee information.

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