Tag: Before You Close the Deal

Non-Traditional Couples

In Pre-commitment counseling, we start by looking at what each individual of the new relationship brings into this long term committment.  

Pre-committment coaching is for ALL couples regardless of their age, race, or sexual orientation.

Committment to your relationship is a step above “friends with benefits” and implies a singular, loyalty based, long term relationship, where you grow together for many years.

Pre-commitment counseling is like property insurance for your future relationship.  Before you can get a policy for losses, you have to take an inventory of your valuables before you can get a policy!

There may be real and tangible assets like money and property that each person brings into this, but there are often other in-tangible valuables like beliefs, values, pre-existing relationships with other family and friends, education, and work values as well.

If you noticed, I call this “pre-commitment” counseling and not “pre-marital counseling, and there is good reason for this. 

Today, marriage for some people is a frightening thought and before they even consider formalized marriage, they need to develop the skills and the courage to move confidently and successfully into that space. 

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So when I say “pre-commitment” counseling that is in no way intended as a way of demeaning the institution of marriage or denying marriage as a future goal. Rather, in some relationships, it serves as an added means of testing compatability.

The difference is mainly that “pre-commitment” counseling does not require a legally binding marriage relationship, with its inherent positive and negative features.

Often times, seniors, widows or very independent individuals will choose to opt out of a marital commitment for either legal or financial considerations or both. 

That is today’s reality, “for better or for worse”, but I can assure you that this specialized type of counseling will benefit each individual who participates in it both personally and as a committed couple.

Why?  Well, when we do something that requires effort, and being open and vulnerable to ourselves and another…that is the basis of all intimacy.  Intimacy of course is what we all really want in the end.

Begin your commitment today by signing up as by clicking on the Livesite icon for the sessions of pre-committment coaching.  You’re sucess as a couple is worth it!!