Category: Counseling Services

Post Divorce Adjustment

Divorce occurs in approximately 50% of formal marital unions.

Sometimes it happens in the early years of marriage and sometimes it happens after decades. In either case, your pain and confusion from such loss can be devastating.

Legal process, involving adversarial attorneys, depositions, filing, witnesses, testimony, and attorney’s fees can leave you traumatized and usually financially busted.


It’s common to go over the experience repeatedly in your head, long after the divorce is FINAL legally.

Irrespective if you initiated it or your former spouse did. explaining what happened to children, relatives, and co-workers is difficult to say the least.

Divorce can make you feel isolated and rejected while it is occurring and long after it is over. This can lead to difficulties in your daily functioning for quite some time and often involves unexplained anxiety and depression, and even occasional suicidal thoughts, which drains you emotionally and spiritually.

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Links To Interesting Stuff

There is a vast amount of information that is accessible thru site links on the internet.

By incorporating links that are relevant to the areas of content discussed on the Sawayer Logistics web page, I am able further educate blog readers, using interesting materials created by other knowledgeable experts in the fields of mental wellness, logistics, coaching and counseling. As time goes on and readers request more types of information, the list of links will grow. Feel free to make suggestions for links that you think fit the topics I present here.

This post is the starting place to browse those links, click and explore.

Also, don’t forget the YouTube links over on the Navigation Menu!!



Why A clinical Social Worker Quit Being A Therapist

NAMI – National Alliance on Mental Health

Suicide Awareness and Prevention Training

Covid19 and Mental Health

Vision Boards and Goals

Decision Matrix To Help Make the BEST Choices


broken heart hanging on wire

Couples Counseling or Couples Coaching

Often times, couples are interested in getting some outside counseling or coaching when they are unable to solve the problems that life is presenting for them in the moment.

If WE as a couple go for coaching or counseling, many questions will get asked about what it means to go for outside help.

Does going for coaching or counseling as a couple mean we have somehow failed?

Individuals who are coupled up may have many questions about either couples coaching or counseling.

They may ask about the differences between counseling and coaching. Coaching is a term that for many people does not conjur up images of being mentally ill as counseling does for some people.

There are questions about how exactly coaching differs from exactily?

What about questions of how often we will have to go and for how long?

And of course the money question of how expensive is it and can we afford it?

Is remote video counseling or coaching over the internet secure?

Is video counseling or coaching as effective as face to face counseling or coaching?

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two white throw pillows on top of grey sofa

Expert Life Coaching or Professional Counseling?

I am often asked what the difference is between seeing a counselor and seeing a life coach. It’s a great questions and the answer is pretty straight forward. Here at Sawayer Logistics, we provide both counseling services and coaching services.

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