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First Responder Trauma Recovery

The posts here at First Responder and Trauma Recovery will highlight the folks involved in professions that expose them to trauma at different levels.

Trauma is a concept that is fairly new, having evolved in the last 20 years and it has it’s impact on the relationships it touches go far beyond those professionals originally traumatized.

These first responder groups include, but are not limited to: Psychotherapists, Weather Forcasters, Storm Chasers, Corrections Personnel, Law Enforcment, Emergency Dispatchers, Active Military, Veterans, Emergency Room Physicians, Nurses, EMT Personnel, Firefighters, Teachers, Morticians, Medical Examiners, Social Workers, Pastoral Staff, and Hospice staff to mention just a few.

We want to explore why these particular types of jobs expose individuals to both short and long term traumas as well as give some definitions of trauma and outline of the main symptoms experienced.

We will also provide useful links to other helpful resources.

We welcome feedback and suggestions for adding additional professional groups that are trauma exposed, and any additional links to other related sites.

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