Getting The Love You Need

Improving Couples Communication

broken heart hanging on wire

Couples Counseling or Couples Coaching

Often times, couples are interested in getting some outside counseling or coaching when they are unable to solve the problems that life is presenting for them in the moment.

If WE as a couple go for coaching or counseling, many questions will get asked about what it means to go for outside help.

Does going for coaching or counseling as a couple mean we have somehow failed?

Individuals who are coupled up may have many questions about either couples coaching or counseling.

They may ask about the differences between counseling and coaching. Coaching is a term that for many people does not conjur up images of being mentally ill as counseling does for some people.

There are questions about how exactly coaching differs from exactily?

What about questions of how often we will have to go and for how long?

And of course the money question of how expensive is it and can we afford it?

Is remote video counseling or coaching over the internet secure?

Is video counseling or coaching as effective as face to face counseling or coaching?

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